Quick Start Guide

Welcome to the Public Health Improvement Network (phPIN)!

Getting Started on phPIN Community

Make the most of your phPIN Community experience online by taking these steps to allow your public health peers to find and connect with you, engage in meaningful conversations about the topics that matter to you, and build your presence on phPIN!

Log In

To access the phPIN community, go to https://communities.nnphi.org/phpincommunity/home and click “Sign In” on the top right corner. The page will redirect you to the log in screen. If you need to reset your password, click “Did You Forget Your Password?” and the page will redirect you from there.

Profile Set-Up

After you log in, the page will redirect you to the phPIN Home page. To set up your profile, navigate to the Quick Link section on the right, and then click “Complete my Profile.” Upload a profile picture and add some information to your profile so it is easier to find and connect with other public health peers!

Profile Settings

Customize your profile settings: While on your profile page, click on the tab for My Account. Here you can set up how you want to receive emails from the phPIN community, how much of your profile you want visible to other members, design the signature area that appears under your discussion posts and more. If you have any questions about what a certain setting means, please email the Program Manager at hwpratt@nnphi.org for help.

Email Delivery Options: Your frequency can be in the form of a daily or weekly digest–a single email each day summarizing the hottest topics in your community or stay informed in real time with instant alerts.

Build your contact list: Select “Directory” from the top navigation bar to find friends and peers within the phPIN Community. Creating a contact list helps identify relationships and build searchable networks. Our “Advanced Search” option offers further parameters for making connections easier. The Member Directory is a benefit reserved for phPIN Members.

Join the Conversation! Post a Message on Our Community Discussions Board

There are two ways to post a message on phPIN Community Discussions Board!

  • Home Page: If you’re on the phPIN Home Page, select “Add” next to the “Community Discussions” column.
  • Discussion Page: If you are on the Discussion page, select “Post New Message” to post.

After you are redirected to post a new message, you can:

  • Upload attachments (All attachments will be automatically added to the phPIN community library)
  • @mention specific phPIN members 
  • Insert one of these #tags by typing “#” in the body of your post!

You can save a draft of the post. The system will also automatically start saving your message once you start adding content. You can schedule a post to go live at a certain time. To access your scheduled posts and drafts, go to Profile > My Contributions > List of Contributions.

All files uploaded in the Discussion are automatically added to the File Library. You may search the Library or Discussion for uploaded files.

Reply to a Discussion

If you found a discussion that you would like to contribute, you can do the following:

  • Reply: Reply to the entire thread
  • Reply Privately: Sends a private response to the member's community inbox

Search for Tags or Keywords

Search for keywords or #tagged content by clicking on existing #tags or typing in the search bar.

Share Resources with Your Peers! Contribute to our Library

If you want to upload files to our Library or look for documents, you can! To access to our Library, simply select “Library” on our navigation bar.

Sharing via the Listserv

The success of phPIN has been directly related to the willingness and openness of peers sharing with each other in a safe space. We strive to uphold that safe environment with the listserv and online community. To email the phPIN listserv, address emails to


The listserv is for peers to ask questions and share experiences, lessons learned, recommendations, resources, and tools with each other. Please note that this is not a place to market goods or services.

Sharing via the Shared Calendar

The shared calendar will be featuring learning opportunities and in-person events or meetings that are relevant to performance improvement practitioners. For the shared Calendar, we are looking for items that directly relate to the phPIN members and are specific to performance improvement activities (e.g., webinars, conferences, funding opportunities). You should include:

  • Headline
  • Subject matter detail (250 words or less if possible)
  • Links to additional content or registration
  • Contact person

Please send those requests to phPIN@nnphi.org. To ensure your request is addressed quickly, please include the following in the subject line: FOR phPIN CALENDAR.

Sharing via the Newsletter

There is a monthly phPIN newsletter to feature pertinent announcements regarding upcoming events, funding opportunities, highlights from phPIN conversations, and other relevant opportunities. You should include the following:

  • Headline
  • Subject matter detail (250 words or less if possible)
  • Links to additional content or registration
  • Contact person

Please send those requests to phPIN@nnphi.org. To ensure your request is addressed quickly, please include the following in the subject line: FOR phPIN NEWSLETTER.

If you need help navigating the online community or listserv, please email Hanna Pratt at hwpratt@nnphi.org.

Need Some Help?

Find common questions on how to the site with the Help/FAQ page. Select "Help" under the "Quick Links" section on the right hand side of the phPIN homepage to access frequently asked questions.